I face issue with jQuery Keypad / Primefaces keyboard - I try to re-map default spacebar button to input hex value '32' instead of '160'. Because when I type "space" from my phisical keyboard then it gives different value (32) then from virtual one (160)
Any solutions? Because I try to avoid writting my own component.
Big thanks in advance.
If someone struggle with same problem.
I have fix it by override _generateHTML function inside keyboard.js from Primefaces 6.1 . For next version it will be configurable, but for this I will change (line 717):
(keys[j] == this.SPACE_BAR ? ' ' :
(keys[j] == ' ' ? ' ' : keys[j]))))))) + '</button>'));
(keys[j] == this.SPACE_BAR ? ' ' : keys[j])))))) + '</button>'));
And for me works fine.