This is from one of our web application. I want to retrieve value 8 to compare it against value from database.
[FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "p_Power Reactors_planned")]
public IWebElement Planned_PR { get; set; }
string PRPlanned = Planned_PR.GetAttribute("p");
<p class="big" id="p_Power Reactors_planned">8</p>
I am getting empty result string.
You are using wrong command to retrieve the text
is used to retrieve the value of attribute of an HTML tag
e.g. <p class="big" id="p_Power Reactors_planned">
- You will get value big
- You will get value p_Power Reactors_planned
You have to use .Text
method to get required text
e.g string PRPlanned = Planned_PR.Text;
As per HTML rule if your element fall under given tags here then you can use GetAttribute("value");