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dynamically load json data in combo box using Extjs3

Help with any portion of this is appreciated. I am totally new to using extjs and the version is old (3.3). When the user selects the combo box, data is loaded in the combo box. I need to allow the user to select/insert a blank option (i.e.: so the first option should be id:0 field and can be blank). Last, I must give the model an additional field: id.

I can see the data returned in network tab, so I have the url path correct (the url was set up to return an id and list name), but the store property is empty, so no data in combo box.

header: 'Bucket List',
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'bucket_list',
width: 10,
align: 'center',
editor: BucketList = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
        valueField: 'name',
        displayField: 'name',
        triggerAction: 'all',
        typeAhead: true,
        preventMark: true,
        editable: false,
        store: new{
               proxy: new{
                      url: '/todos/sysadmin/bucket-lists',
                      method: 'GET'
               reader: new{
                       root: 'bucket_lists',
                       fields: [
               listeners: {
                       beforeload: function (data_objStore, data_objOpt) {
                             data_objOpt.params.userModel = userModelCbx.getValue();                                          
                             data_objOpt.params.user_id = 001;
       listeners: {
           blur: function () { }

Below code shows the response, but at index 0, id is 1. I need index 0 to be id: 0 or null value ( 0: {id: 0, name: ''} )


0: {
id: 1, 
name: "bucketListItem_1"
1: {
id: 2, 
name: "bucketListItem_2"
2: {
id: 3, 
name: "bucketListItem_3"
3: {
id: 4, 
name: "bucketListItem_4"

I have read alot of the docs and answers here on SO. I tried using some of the store methods, like add(), insert(), load(), but I'm probably using them in the wrong places or something. I'm asking here because I'm stuck and I really hope someone will help me. Thanks.

UPDATE: after beforeload, add this to store listeners to insert a blank record. Make sure your reader is accessing the right fields

beforeload: function( sObj, optObjs ){
     // code here...
load: function(store, records) {                                           
        store.insert(0, [new{
              id: null,
              name: 'None'


0: {
id: null, 
name: "None"
1: {
id: 1, 
name: "bucketListItem_1"
2: {
id: 2, 
name: "bucketListItem_2"


  • You may try with next working example. You need to insert the record on store's load listener using new Also check tpl config option - it's needed to show empty record correctly. Example is tested with ExtJS 3.4, but I think it should work with your version too.

    Ext.onReady(function() {
        var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
            tpl : '<tpl for="."><div class="x-combo-list-item">{name}&nbsp;</div></tpl>',
            valueField: 'name',
            displayField: 'name',
            triggerAction: 'all',
            typeAhead: true,
            preventMark: true,
            editable: false,
            store: new{
                proxy: new{
                    url: '/todos/sysadmin/bucket-lists',
                    method: 'GET'
                reader: new{
                    root: 'bucket_lists',
                    fields: [
                listeners: {
                    load: function (s) {
                        record = new{
                            id: 0,
                            name: ''
                        s.insert(0, record);
        var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
            renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
            store: new{
                autoLoad: true,
                proxy: new{
                    url: 'combo-extjs3-editor-json.html',
                    method: 'GET'
                reader: new{
                    root: 'bucket_lists',
                    fields: [
            width: 600,
            height: 300,
            columns: [
                header: 'Name',
                dataIndex: 'name',
                width: 130,
                editor: combo