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Dbpedia resource parsing in JAVA

By using DBpedia Spotlight, I get DBpedia URIs. For example

I need to request this URI in Java so that it can return me some json/xml and I can fetch the necessary information from the response.

For example, in the above mentioned URI, I need the value of dct:subject

Below is the screenshot of the response what I get in the browser.

Subject of Entity


  • There isn't enough info in your question about what you're trying to achieve to provide the best path by which to reach that goal. You might consider using the Jena or RDF4J/Sesame Frameworks.

    Or you might consider just asking the DBpedia endpoint for the thing you want, whether that's the complete description of <>, here in JSON (as linked from the Formats menu seen in your screencap), or using a SPARQL query URI to request just the dct:subject values --

    PREFIX dbr: <>
    SELECT DISTINCT ?subject
      WHERE { dbr:Part-of-speech_tagging dct:subject ?subject }
    LIMIT 100

    -- which might be retrieved in various serializations -- here in JSON.