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Unity WebGL HTTP Request without IEnumerator or Coroutine

As the title tells I'm trying to make a HTTP Request in Unity (WebGL).

In the documentation I found here: WebGL Networking they tell me to create a IEnumerator type function and call it via a StartCoroutine call.

This is all fine, my problem is that I need to provide a callback HttpRequest to a class that is in another library.

My callback looks like this:

private string HttpRequest(string url, string method, string body=null) {

    WWW www = null; // = null is compiler candy

    if (method == "GET") {
        www = new WWW(url);
    } else if (method == "POST") {
        //POST specific implementation...
    } else {
       // do something else

    while (!www.isDone) { } // this is Wrong.
    return www.text;

The problem is that unless I return from HttpRequest and the calling method JavaScript won't be able to handle the request. But on the other hand the calling method expects a string not some kind of IEnumerator.

Is there some workaround to let JavaScript do it's work after the WWW class has been constructed?


  • No

    WWW and UnityWebRequest are asynchronous.

    To do a synchronous request you need write a javascript plugin. By using some library it's not very complicated, such as jquery.

    function getdata($url, $method, $data)
        var text = '';
            url: $url,
            type: $method,
            async: false, //synchronous request
            data: $data,
            success: function(data){
                text = data;
            error: function(data){
                text = data;
        return text;

    More information:

    Communication between javascript and unity
