The following should happen:
1. UserForm with 2 RefEdit controls is shown
2. The first RefEdit is used to select a range
3. The RefEdit_Change event adjusts the second RefEdit control to .offset(0,1) of the range
Here my code until now:
Dim frmSelectXY As New frmSelectImportData
With frmSelectXY
End With
UserForm: frmSelectImportData
Option Explicit
Private Type TView
IsCancelled As Boolean
xrng As Range
yrng As Range
End Type
Private this As TView
Public Property Get IsCancelled() As Boolean
IsCancelled = this.IsCancelled
End Property
Public Property Get yrng() As Range
Set yrng = this.yrng
End Property
Public Property Get xrng() As Range
Set xrng = this.xrng
End Property
'Here is where the fun happens
Private Sub RefEdit1_Change()
'RefEdit2.Value = RefEdit1.Value
If InStr(1, RefEdit1.Value, "[") <> 0 And InStr(1, RefEdit1.Value, "!") <> 0 Then
RefEdit2.Value = Range(RefEdit1.Value).offset(0, 1).Address(External:=True)
ElseIf InStr(1, RefEdit1.Value, "!") <> 0 Then
RefEdit2.Value = Range(RefEdit1.Value).offset(0, 1).Parent.Name & "!" & Range(RefEdit1.Value).offset(0, 1).Address(External:=False)
RefEdit2.Value = Range(RefEdit1.Value).offset(0, 1).Address(External:=False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SaveBTN_Click()
Set this.xrng = Range(RefEdit1.Value)
Set this.yrng = Range(RefEdit2.Value)
If Not validate Then
MsgBox "x-values and y-values need to have the same size."
End If
End Sub
Function validate() As Boolean
validate = False
If this.xrng.count = this.yrng.count Then validate = True
End Function
should adjust the value of RefEdit2 such that it will show the reference to the column just next to it or better .offest(0,1)
to it.
But that isn't what happens.. the value doesn't get changed. As soon as the User clicks into RefEdit2 if RefEdit1 has already been changed, the program aborts without error message. If you Cancle the UserForm I have also experienced hard crashes of excel. I have temporarily fixed the problem by rebuilding the UserForm from scratch and renaming the RefEdits. But at some point it reapeared. It seems as if it is an Excel/VBA inherent problem.
Does anybody know how to fix this?
Ugly hacks and workarounds are welcome, anything is better than, abort without error message.
you need to enclose Range(RefEdit1.Value).offset(0, 1).Parent.Name in
' so
="'" & Range(RefEdit1.Value).offset(0, 1).Parent.Name & "'!"