Is it a bad idea to use StringBuilder or StringBuffer as a method's return type in a Java ? I have often returned String as a return type from a Java method but never StringBuilder or StringBuffer even I have done operations using them inside a method.
Could anyone please educate me if it is recommended NOT to use StringBuilder and StringBuffer as method return type ? If not, what are the reasons for it ? One reason could be that these two are mutable. But how does it make any difference since we often use other Derived Type as a method return type which are mutable.
Could someone please explain the demerits (if any) of using StringBuffer and Builder as method return type with a code ,maybe?
is old and was substituted by StringBuilder
for speed.
Returning a StringBuilder could be bad style: sometimes it is better to pass a StringBuilder as parameter. Compare:
[best] As parameter:
void dump(StringBuilder sb) {
for (Foo child : children) {
[unproblematic, inefficient] Comparison with immutable value aggregated:
String toString() {
return name + left.toString() + right.toString();
[ugly] Comparison with returning a mutable value:
StringBuilder dump() {
StringBulder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Foo child : children) {
sb.append(child.dump()); // Inefficient
return sb;