When using OpenCSV in order to write csv i'm using the CSVBindByName annotation this way:
@CsvBindByName(column = "Date")
private Long date;
@CsvBindByName(column = "Post content")
private String text;
But in the generated file the headers are all in UPPERCASE: DATE, POST CONTENT
Is there any way to generate the exact name in the annotation?
Seems that the CsvBindByName annotation always converts the column name to UpperCase based on the OpenCSV source code @ https://sourceforge.net/p/opencsv/source/ci/master/tree/src/main/java/com/opencsv/bean/HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy.java#l210
You can try to use custom converter as detailed out here:
OpenCsv writes wrong column names with BeanToCsv + HeaderColumnNameTranslateMappingStrategy