I put a do/while loop in my password function but it doesn't work. I use xcode10 to code c++ and when I use a semicolon after the while statement it shows an error saying code will never execute
string password (string g)
string ch = "hello" ;
cout << "Enter password";
getline(cin, g);
do {
if (ch.compare(g) != 0) {
return (0);
} else {
cout << "correct password";
return (string(g));
} while (ch.compare(g) == 0); //this is where it shows the error that the code will never exec
I wanted to put this loop and a few other things so I can make this a infinite loop till you enter the correct password.
Well in your if
statement you will return in both cases causing the function to stop so it will never get to the while condition to test it
string password(string g)
string ch = "hello";
cout << "Enter password\n";
getline(cin, g);
if (ch.compare(g) != 0)
else {
cout << "correct password";
return (string(g));
} while (ch.compare(g) != 0);