I'm writing a Brainfuck to NASM compiler in Haskell. It can compile small programs, but fails to do so correctly with big ones.
Consider the following Brainfuck code:
I have it represented as:
BfSource [Add 8,LoopL 0,GoRight 1,Add 4,LoopL 1,GoRight 1,Add 2,GoRight 1,Add 3,GoRight 1,Add 3,GoRight 1,Add 1,GoLeft 4,Sub 1,LoopR 1,GoRight 1,Add 1,GoRight 1,Add 1,GoRight 1,Sub 1,GoRight 2,Add 1,LoopL 2,GoLeft 1,LoopR 2,GoLeft 1,Sub 1,LoopR 0,GoRight 2,WriteChar,GoRight 1,Sub 3,WriteChar,Add 7,WriteChar,WriteChar,Add 3,WriteChar,GoRight 2,WriteChar,GoLeft 1,Sub 1,WriteChar,GoLeft 1,WriteChar,Add 3,WriteChar,Sub 6,WriteChar,Sub 8,WriteChar,GoRight 2,Add 1,WriteChar,GoRight 1,Add 2,WriteChar]
Which gets translated into the following assembly:
section .bss
memory resb 30000
section .text
global _start
mov rdx, 1
mov rbx, 1
mov rax, 4
int 80h
mov rcx, memory
mov al, [rcx]
add al, 8
mov [rcx], al
inc rcx
mov al, [rcx]
add al, 4
mov [rcx], al
inc rcx
mov al, [rcx]
add al, 2
mov [rcx], al
inc rcx
mov al, [rcx]
add al, 3
mov [rcx], al
inc rcx
mov al, [rcx]
add al, 3
mov [rcx], al
inc rcx
mov al, [rcx]
inc al
mov [rcx], al
sub rcx, 4
mov al, [rcx]
dec al
mov [rcx], al
mov al, [rcx]
test al, al
jnz _L1
inc rcx
mov al, [rcx]
inc al
mov [rcx], al
inc rcx
mov al, [rcx]
inc al
mov [rcx], al
inc rcx
mov al, [rcx]
dec al
mov [rcx], al
add rcx, 2
mov al, [rcx]
inc al
mov [rcx], al
dec rcx
mov al, [rcx]
test al, al
jnz _L2
dec rcx
mov al, [rcx]
dec al
mov [rcx], al
mov al, [rcx]
test al, al
jnz _L0
add rcx, 2
call _printChar
inc rcx
mov al, [rcx]
sub al, 3
mov [rcx], al
call _printChar
mov al, [rcx]
add al, 7
mov [rcx], al
call _printChar
call _printChar
mov al, [rcx]
add al, 3
mov [rcx], al
call _printChar
add rcx, 2
call _printChar
dec rcx
mov al, [rcx]
dec al
mov [rcx], al
call _printChar
dec rcx
call _printChar
mov al, [rcx]
add al, 3
mov [rcx], al
call _printChar
mov al, [rcx]
sub al, 6
mov [rcx], al
call _printChar
mov al, [rcx]
sub al, 8
mov [rcx], al
call _printChar
add rcx, 2
mov al, [rcx]
inc al
mov [rcx], al
call _printChar
inc rcx
mov al, [rcx]
add al, 2
mov [rcx], al
call _printChar
mov rax, 1
xor rbx, rbx
int 80h
And here's how it behaves:
$ runghc Main.hs hello.bf
$ nasm -f elf64 hello.nasm
$ ld -m elf_x86_64 hello.o -o hello
$ ./hello
Hello World!
It works as it should. But when trying to compile a bigger program (in this case a mandelbrot fractal generator) a segfault occurs. I'm 100% sure this code works, because I've checked it in an online Brainfuck interpreter.
$ runghc Main.hs mandelbrot.bf
$ nasm -f elf64 mandelbrot.nasm
$ ld -m elf_x86_64 mandelbrot.o -o mandelbrot
$ ./mandelbrot
Segmentation fault
Using pwndbg
I've found the place where segfault occurs:
────────────────────[ REGISTERS ]────────────────────
RAX 0x1
RBX 0x0
RCX 0x404fff ◂— add byte ptr [rax], al
// ... All other registers are 0x0
RSP 0x7fffffffe0f0 ◂— 0x1
RIP 0x4014b6 (_L43+33) ◂— mov byte ptr [rcx], al
──────────────────────[ DISASM ]─────────────────────
► 0x4014b6 <_L43+33> mov byte ptr [rcx], al
0x4014b8 <_L43+35> add rcx, 8
0x4014bc <_L43+39> mov al, byte ptr [rcx]
0x4014be <_L43+41> test al, al
0x4014c0 <_L43+43> jne _L33 <0x4013a6>
0x4014c6 <_L43+49> sub rcx, 9
0x4014ca <_L44> inc rcx
0x4014cd <_L44+3> xor al, al
0x4014cf <_L44+5> mov byte ptr [rcx], al
0x4014d1 <_L44+7> dec rcx
0x4014d4 <_L44+10> mov al, byte ptr [rcx]
I Ctrl+F
'd that _L33
in a text editor and what I've found is similar, but different code (all the labels generated by my compiler are unique, so it has to be the same place).
mov [rcx], al
add rcx, 8
mov al, [rcx]
test al, al
jnz _L33
sub rcx, 9
inc rcx
xor al, al
mov [rcx], al
dec rcx
mov al, [rcx]
So what is going on here? Is NASM generating different assembly than in the source file? Or maybe pwndbg
disassembled it incorrectly? I'd say something is wrong with my compiler, but I don't know what.
EDIT: I think cut and pasting two ~100 lines of code files is not a good idea, considering this post is already too long.
I've uploaded the source code to a GitHub repository, please take a look at it.
Your code generator miscompiles loops:
bf2asm handle (LoopL x) =
hPutStrLn handle $ "_L" ++ show x ++ ":"
bf2asm handle (LoopR x) =
mapM_ (hPutStrLn handle)
[ " mov al, [rcx]"
, " test al, al"
, " jnz _L" ++ show x
As you can see, it puts the test of the current byte at the end of the loop, creating the equivalent of a do-while loop:
do { // [
} while (*ecx); // ]
But the semantics of [
in brainfuck are that the loop test is done first, like this:
while (*ecx) { // [
} // ]
You should change your compiler to produce something like this instead:
mov al, [rcx]
test al, al
jz _LE42
jmp _LS42