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Vuetify v-select value not returning key

I am trying to v-model the keys from this data from my v-select :

data: {
IT: "Italy",
PL: "Poland",
AF: "Afghanistan",
AX: "Aland Islands",
AL: "Albania"

My v-select and output look something like this (this is as close as i can get:

        {{ this.model[0] }}


The problem with this, is the value of the v-select will be "IT, Italy", when i just want Italy

I've been trying to work out ways, such as using a helper function to search the value and return a key, but i keep getting undefined, and wonder if there is an easier way of doing this. Or maybe converting the data to a new object.

If anyone has any ideas i would greatly appreciate it!


  • Thanks for your answer. I managed to get it to work without any helper functions:
