I'm pretty new to JS and i'm trying to learn some basics in functions.
I'm facing a problem, I've created a function like this:
function someName (element, settings={i:"#1d252c", i2:"#fff"}) {
If i call the function as someName(element)
. i and i2 retain their values, however
If i call it like someName(element,{i:"#3acbda"})
, the value of i does change however the value of i2 is undefined,
So how do i assign the default value to a property when the settings object is no longer the default value.
So when i assign settings with only i, i2 is just the default value "#fff" and not undefined.
You could use the Object spread operator ...
to enrich your options with default settings
function someName(element, options){
const settings = {i:"#aaa", i2:"#fff", ...options};
// let's test
someName(null, {i:"#000"});
which is my preferred. Alternatively you could also use a third argument:
function someName(element, options, settings={i:"#aaa", i2:"#fff", ...options}){
// let's test
someName(null, {i:"#000"});
In case you don't want to, or find clumbersome to always have to use the settings
Object reference (like settings.i
, settings.i2
etc), you can use Object unpacking - and go directly for the propertyName:
function someName(element, options ){
const {i="#aaa", i2="#fff"} = options;
console.log( i, i2 );
// let's test
someName(null, {i:"#000"});