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How to notify array mutation to parent component in polymer 3

I have 2 components using same array binding for example:

 title: "food",
 data : ["data1", "data2", "data3"]

title is on parent component and data is binded from parent to child component to child works with the array.

how can i do to when i remove a array data element notify to parent component?

Here the example.

In the example i have a children with binded array and one method to remove array elements and notify. And parent compontent has a observer named arrayChanges.

if code works parent component has to know about child array length, but it doesnt works.

<script type='module'>
  import {PolymerElement, html} from '';
  import {} from '';

  class ParentComp extends PolymerElement {
    static get properties() {
      return {
        myArr: {
          type: Array,
          observer: "arrayChanges"
        changes: {
          type: String
    static get template() {
      return html`
        <children-comp data='[[]]'></children-comp>
      this.myArr = {
        title : "My component",
        data : [
          {titulo: "titulo1", comment : "im comment number 1"},
          {titulo: "titulo2", comment : "im comment number 2"}
      this.changes = "Array length : ";
      console.log("the Array has been changed");



  class ChildrenComp extends PolymerElement {
    static get properties() {
      return {
        data: {
          type: Array,
          notify: true
    static get template() {
      return html`
        <dom-repeat items='[[data]]' >
              [[index]] )
              <button data-index$='[[index]]' on-click='handle_button'>Borrar</button>
      var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
      this.splice("data", index, 1);

  customElements.define('children-comp', ChildrenComp);
  customElements.define('parent-comp', ParentComp);



  • The parent component would only handle change-notifications in two-way bindings (using curly brackets). Your data binding incorrectly uses one-way binding (square brackets).

    <children-comp data='[[]]'></children-comp>
                         ^^          ^^ square brackets: one-way binding
    <children-comp data='{{}}'></children-comp>
                         ^^          ^^ curly brackets: two-way binding

    Also note the simple observer (specified in myArr-property declaration) does not detect array mutations. You should use a complex observer instead. You could observe data/length changes and/or array mutations:

    static get properties() {
      return {
        myArr: {
          // type: Array, // DON'T DO THIS (myArr is actually an object)
          type: Object,
          // observer: 'arrayChanges'  // DON'T DO THIS (doesn't detect array splices)
    static get observers() {
      return [
        'arrayChanges(,',  // observe data/length changes
        'arraySplices(',             // observe array mutations
    arrayChanges(myArrData, myArrDataLength) {
    arraySplices(change) {
      if (change) {
        for (const s of change.indexSplices) {
            sliceIndex: s.index,
            removedItems: s.removed,
            addedItems: s.addedCount && s.object.slice(s.index, s.index + s.addedCount)

      <script src=""></script>
      <script type='module'>
      import {PolymerElement, html} from '';
      import {} from '';
      class ParentComp extends PolymerElement {
        static get properties() {
          return {
            myArr: {
              type: Array,
            changes: {
              type: String
        static get observers() {
          return [
        static get template() {
          return html`
            <children-comp data='{{}}'></children-comp>
          this.myArr = {
            title : "My component",
            data : [
              {titulo: "titulo1", comment : "im comment number 1"},
              {titulo: "titulo2", comment : "im comment number 2"}
        arrayChanges(myArr, myArrLength){
          this.changes = "Array length : " + myArrLength;
          console.log("the Array has been changed", myArr);
        arraySplices(change) {
          if (change) {
            for (const s of change.indexSplices) {
                sliceIndex: s.index,
                removedItems: s.removed,
                addedItems: s.addedCount && s.object.slice(s.index, s.index + s.addedCount)
      class ChildrenComp extends PolymerElement {
        static get properties() {
          return {
            data: {
              type: Array,
              notify: true
        static get template() {
          return html`
            <dom-repeat items='[[data]]' >
                  [[index]] )
                  <button data-index$='[[index]]' on-click='handle_button'>Borrar</button>
          var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
          this.splice("data", index, 1);
      customElements.define('children-comp', ChildrenComp);
      customElements.define('parent-comp', ParentComp);