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R plot except param?

Please advise what does the except parameter does in R plot function:

For example:


# Check conformity
bfd.cen <- benford(census.2009$pop.2009, number.of.digits = 1) 
plot(bfd.cen, except = c("second order", "summation", "mantissa", "chi squared","abs diff", "ex summation", "Legend"), multiple = F) 

Maybe there is a good documentation somewhere, I didn't find it yet.


  • bfd.cen is an object of type Benford, so you can get the documentation for the plot function that will be used by typing ?plot.Benford. There it describes except like this:

    it specifies which plots are not going to be plotted. Currently, you can choose from 7 plots: "digits", "second order", "summation", "mantissa", "chi square", "abs diff", "ex summation". If you want to plot all, just put except = "none". The default is not to plot the "mantissa" and "abs diff".

    That is there are several different plot types and except specifies any that you might NOT plot. Try plot(bfd.cen, except="none", multiple=T) to see all of the plot types.

    plot(bfd.cen,  except="none", multiple=T) 

    Benford plots