I'm running a Java application on the Raspberry Pi 3B, my OS is Raspbian. The application (which has been written on a x64 Windows system) relies on the Dropbox Core sdk-3.0.6 to download some data from a Dropbox server. The Dropbox Core SDK needs another library called the Jackson Core 2.7.4 SDK.
I've imported both jar.files to the directory /home/lib/. I'm running the application from the following .bat file:
> java -cp /home/lib/jackson-core-2.7.4.jar;/home/lib/dropbox-core-sdk-3.0.6.jar -jar /home/ComRoll.jar
I keep on getting errors because of these libraries. Most common error is concering the jackson library: "Cannot execute binary file". Something that's maybe worth mentioning is that the error message differs depending on the order of the libraries in the .bat file. When I construct the file in the following way there are other messages:
> java -cp /home/lib/dropbox-core-sdk-3.0.6.jar;/home/lib/jackson-core-2.7.4.jar -jar /home/ComRoll.jar
I'm new to Linux-based systems and hoping I'm missing something really obvious here because I'm starting to fear that the entire Dropbox SDK wouldn't be eligible for Raspberry Pi.
The comments of mkasberg pointed me in the right direction. I built a fat jar with the libraries I used during development on the Windows system. Eventually there were some problems with that approach too: some of the libraries were signed. I excluded those libraries from the project and now the fat jar seems to be running smooth on the raspberry.