I'm trying to get something like this work:
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import static java.lang.System.in;
import static java.lang.System.out;
class PrintWrit1
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner(in);
out.print("Enter the filename :\t");
String filename = input.nextLine();
try( PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(filename))
out.println("Enter the file content, enter * after finishing");
String text;
while((text=input.nextLine()) != "*")
{ pw.println(text); }
out.println(filename+" is saved and closed");
catch(IOException ioe)
{ ioe.printStackTrace();}
File is created, output is written, but instead of * upon hitting ctrl-C, the file is saved but the statements following won't execute and it's terminating abruptly.
I'm looking for any suggestions for that if I enter * after entering the last line, it should be able to execute out.println(filename+" is saved and closed")
Current output:
D:\JavaEx\FILE-IO>java PrintWrit1
Enter the filename : sample
Enter the file content, enter * after finishing
Expected output:
D:\JavaEx\FILE-IO>java PrintWrit1
Enter the filename : sample
Enter the file content, enter * after finishing
sample is saved and closed
You are comparing the string * wrongly.You should use equals()
Please replace
while((text=input.nextLine()) != "*")