Search code examples

MySql SELECT multiple according to form input and publish

I need to complete mysql_query SELECT multiple options and publish results on webpage. The form (Breezingforms) pulls data.

Joomla module to appear on webpage

<div id="frmSrchResults"></div>

"Search" button on the form with user choices to pull data from db

    function ff_Searchbutton_action(element, action)
    switch (action) {
        case 'click':
let var1 = ff_getElementByName('category').value;
let var2 = ff_getElementByName('subcategory').value;
let var3 = ff_getElementByName('CselCountry').value;

// call the .post
  '<?php return JUri::root(true); ?>/index.php', {
    option: 'com_breezingforms',
    ff_form: ff_processor.form,
    format: 'html',
    category: var1,
    subcategory: var2,
    country: var3
//  success: function(data) {
  function(data) {

    } // switch
} // ff_Searchbutton_action

In Form Pieces-Before Form


// fetch .post() parameters
$var1 = JRequest::getVar('par1');
$var2 = JRequest::getVar('par2');

if ($var1 && $var2 && $var1 !== '' && $var2 !== '') {
  $db = JFactory::getDBO();
  $db->setQuery("Query I need to complete");
  $result = $db->loadAssocList();

// clean output buffer
  while (@ob_get_level() > 0) { @ob_end_clean(); }

  echo $result;

This is an example of the database structure

id  title            name           value
4   Company Name     companyname    Microsoft
4   Company Address  companyaddress someaddress
4   Country          country        USA
4   Category         category       Computer
4   Sub-category     subcategory    Software
5   Company Name     companyname    Apple
5   Company Address  companyaddress someaddress2
5   Country          country        CANADA
5   Category         category       Business
5   Sub-category     subcategory    Executive
6   Company Name     companyname    Ollivetti
6   Company Address  companyaddress someaddress3
6   Country          country        CANADA
6   Category         category       Business
6   Sub-category     subcategory    Executive

e.g. User input in the form:


Now I need to: SELECT value (according to user choice on the form. Each form element is a select list) FROM table etc. So in my example the result is expected to be something like this:

Company Name        Company Address 
Apple               someaddress2    
Ollivetti           someaddress3    


  • I am going to assume that you are running an outdated version of Joomla because JRequest has been deprecated as of Joomla 3.x & Joomla 3.3 deprecated function for JRequest::getVar() So you should make a point off upgrading asap.

    Modern syntax:

    $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
    $category = $jinput->get->post('par1', '', 'WORD');
    $subcategory = $jinput->get->post('par2', '', 'WORD');
    $country = $jinput->get->post('par3', '', 'WORD');

    Then you can write your conditional like this:

    if ($category && $subcategory && $country) {

    Your query is going to need to group associated rows using a "pivot"; here is a solution that I posted on Joomla Stack Exchange that implements a pivot.

    SQL searching for Business and Executive: (db-fiddle demo)

        MAX(CASE WHEN `name` = 'companyname' THEN `value` ELSE NULL END) AS `Company Name`,
        MAX(CASE WHEN `name` = 'companyaddress' THEN `value` ELSE NULL END) AS `Company Address`
    FROM `ucm`
    GROUP BY `id`
        MAX(CASE WHEN `name` = 'category' THEN `value` ELSE NULL END) = 'Business'
        AND MAX(CASE WHEN `name` = 'subcategory' THEN `value` ELSE NULL END) = 'Executive'
        AND MAX(CASE WHEN `name` = 'country' THEN `value` ELSE NULL END) = 'CANADA'
    ORDER BY `Company Name`;

    Converting this raw SQL to Joomla-method syntax with your input variables, it can look like this:

    $db = JFactory::getDbo();
    $query = $db->getQuery(true)
            . "CASE WHEN name = " . $db->q("companyname")
            . " THEN value ELSE NULL END"
            . ") AS " . $db->qn("Company Name"),
            . "CASE WHEN name = " . $db->q("companyaddress")
            . " THEN value ELSE NULL END"
            . ") AS " . $db->qn("Company Address")
            . "CASE WHEN name = " . $db->q("category")
            . " THEN value ELSE NULL END"
            . ") = " . $db->q($category),
            . "CASE WHEN name = " . $db->q("subcategory")
            . " THEN value ELSE NULL END"
            . ") = " . $db->q($subcategory),
            . "CASE WHEN name = " . $db->q("country")
            . " THEN value ELSE NULL END"
            . ") = " . $db->q($country)
        ->order($db->qn("Company Name"));
        if (!$results = $db->loadAssocList())
            echo "No matches found";
            echo "<table>";
                echo "<tr><th>", implode("</th><th>", array_keys($results[0])), "</th></tr>";
                foreach ($results as $row)
                    echo "<tr><td>", implode("</td><td>", $row), "</td></tr>";
            echo "</table>";
    catch (Exception $e)
        JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("<div>Query Syntax Error, ask dev to run diagnostics</div>", 'error');
        // Don't show the following details to the public:
        //echo $query->dump();
        //echo $e->getMessage();

    p.s. Keep in mind that you cannot simply echo your loadAssocList data.

    As for your jquery, I believe you are missing the success block to the call.

    success: function (data) {
    error: function (xhr, status) {
        console.log("Bonk! Time to debug.");

    Here is some context: