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webpack code de-duplication not working when using splitChunks cacheGroups commons

I have a lerna project which contains two identical packages (named p1 and p2)

Both p1 and p2 include a 3rd party package – for this test I’ve used eosjs@beta, which is about 50KB

If I then create an example react project and include P1, the package size grows by 50KB as expected, but what’s surprising me is that when I add p2 … it grows by another 50KB.

One would think that because p1 and p2 are using the same 3rd party library, that one reference to that library would be compiled into the example project. But that’s not what seems to happen.

Example repo here:

The growth of the package looks as follows:

ls examples/sizetest/build/static/js/ -lah

Before I reference p1

    117K 1.13eeb203.chunk.js     
    1.4K main.2170ea98.chunk.js  
    1.5K runtime~main.229c360f.js  

After referencing p1

    165K 1.75baab58.chunk.js  
    3.7K main.36960386.chunk.js  
    1.5K runtime~main.229c360f.js  

After referencing p1 and p2

    212K 1.57bb37cb.chunk.js  
    6.4K main.491260eb.chunk.js  
    1.5K runtime~main.229c360f.js  

The project in the examples folder was created using:

npx create-react-app sizetest –typescript

Both the p1 and p2 packages were created using:

yo node-typescript-webpack

Why is does the example build keep growing .. surly webpack is smart enough to only include one reference.

=============== UPDATE ==================

The "removing duplicate code" section here seems like it should solve my problem:

But that doesn't seem to do so.

  1. I ran "yarn eject" in the project folder and then added the suggested config:
  2. Removed the uglyfiy section so that the output is readable
  3. Run the build again

This does produce a commons file but when you look at the content:

grep \@module build/static/js/commons.bd2f73cb.chunk.js

you can see that the code is still being duplicated

 * @module Serialize
 * @module Numeric
 * @module RPC-Error
 * @module Serialize
 * @module Numeric
 * @module RPC-Error
 * @module API
 * @module JSON-RPC
 * @module API
 * @module JSON-RPC


  • Neither a monorepo as a concept nor Lerna as a tool are meant to do such kind of implicit "improvements". This may have unwanted side effects (for example if P1 and P2 depend on different versions of eosjs or where each package initiates an own instance of some package class).

    Another reason speaking against doing what you are expecting here, is that packages in a monorepo still can be deployed independently from each other because they don't rely on the same reference of a package.

    Utilizing a monorepo is as far as I know the only way to achieve what you are looking for. However, the monorepo just manages your codebase in one place. If you want to use the same reference of eosjs in both your packages, move it up into the root level package.json, but then you will also have to deal with a bunch of other problems that you might not expect yet. You can do it manually for your self-maintained monorepo packages or by hoisting for external packages with Lerna:

    Yarn Workspaces is what Lerna uses under the hood to achieve hoisting and might also help for understanding.

    Webpack doesn't know about being in a monorepo unless you told it somehow, too. Its working independently of Lerna or monorepos.