I built a Hbbtv Application.
I want to analyze the performance of the app when running on TV. Since there is no developer tools usage on tv, how do I get the rendering, page loading, blank rate time?
Is it possible to display these using javascript?
You might add google analytics to your site. Implement device detecting and then if it is TV send performance analysis results (previously implemented performance functions). Functions something like these examples: http://qnimate.com/measuring-web-page-performance-using-modern-javascript-apis/ http://blog.trasatti.it/2012/12/measuring-the-speed-of-resource-loading-with-javascript-and-html5.html , https://trackjs.com/blog/monitoring-javascript-memory/ , https://medium.com/@felipedutratine/frontend-performance-monitoring-in-js-29832051d2ec
You should detect TV user agent and then simulate it in Google Chrome Dev Tools (w3c validator also allow do that) and then perform audit test in Google Chrome Dev Tools "Audit" tab. Check https://developers.whatismybrowser.com/useragents/explore/operating_platform/smart-tv/