I am testing a Spring Boot application with Spock, but on one of the test cases I need to mock or stub the calls to the auth server (using oauth 2) so I'm trying to redirect the requests to a dummy server for testing and make the methods return a fixed token. However, i overwrite the port at runtime but i get an error because the dummy server is on a fixed port (read from the application-test.yml
), is there a way to change this at runtime to make the server match the random port that the test is running on?
this is my setup
`def setup() {
omcService.soapClient = Stub(SOAPClient)
String url = "http://localhost:${port}"
nonRetryableExceptionProcessor.omsUrl = url
omsService.omsUrl = url
omsService.authUrl = "$url/oauth/token?scope=all"
omsService = Spy(OmsService)
When I debug this test, the properties are changed but when the application performs a GET operation, it points to localhost:4321
always, which is not the random port picked up by Spring
You can inject random port into your test.
For example using @LocalManagementPort:
int port;
Or directly using @Value:
int port;
But if above doesn't work, then I believe this is your last resort:
int port = context.embeddedServletContainer.port
Having it injected, you can perform GET to the server on that port.