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How to wait indefinitely till the page loads in javascript test case

I have a javascript performance monitoring synthetic script.I want to know if i can apply a statement to wait for the page to load since it has lot of redirection and takes time.

Currently using ...


I want to replace it with indefinite wait till page loads.


  • Yes, you can check/wait indefinitely until the page gets loaded with the help of JavaScript's window.onload.

    Try the below code which will check every 2 seconds and waits until the page gets loaded. Once the page is loaded then the loop will break otherwise it will run indefinitely :

    var status = false;
    window.sleep = function() { 
        return setTimeout(() => {
            console.log("=> Waited for 2 seconds...");
        }, 2000);
    var getStatus = function() {
        for(var i = 0;; i++) {
            if(window.onload = function() {
                return true;
                }) {
                status = true;
                console.log(i+"). Loaded ? "+status);
            } else {
                console.log(i+"). Loaded ? "+status);
        return status;

    getStatus() will returns true once the page gets loaded successfully otherwise it won't return anything until the page gets loaded.