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Curl 7.21 prompt blocklist when trying to connect using sslv3

I am trying to collect traffic about sslv3 connection, & part of the program using curl. To enable sslv3 connection,
Following are the version list:
openssl 1.02k
curl 7.21
ubuntu 14.04
However, it prompt me "blocklist" when I try to connect. However should resolve this to have a successful connection?

zbtest@zbtest-VirtualBox:~$ sudo curl -3 -k 

The url was tested with testssl, and it is vulnerable to poodle, thus connecting it with sslv3 should not be an issue


  • To Establish sslv3 connection, use curl 7.52 on windows 10 with no other pre-requisite. As most linux had a latest version of Openssl installed and many other features to ensure eradicate sslv3 connection. It doesn't work on windows server too.