I have this requirement where I need to parse a text file and extract n-grams from it and store the n-gram mapping with their count in a map. Now, the Map key is string which can have 1,2,3 words in it.
e.g. ("mango", 10), ("facbook friend", 6), ("the rich guy", 3) 1<=n<=3
Example mapping:
("mango", 2)
("apple", 1)
("mango tree", 5)
("facebook friend", 3)
("facebook people", 8)
("Bougth new watch", 2)
Now, I want to sort the map based on keyword tokens length in map key. like all 1 word key mapping should be first in map then 2 words then 3 words mapping.
I tried using TreeMap but the main challenge was to define compareTo function for the sorting order. Any ideas? Like below method do not work.
Map<String, Integer> m = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparingInt(k -> k.split(" ").length));
m.put("mango tree", 5);
m.put("Bought new watch", 2);
m.put("apple", 1);
m.put("mango tree", 5);
m.put("Bought new watch", 2);
m.put("appl1", 1);
m.put("mango 1", 5);
m.put("Bought 1 watch", 2);
m.put("appl2", 1);
m.put("mango 2", 5);
m.put("Bought 2 watch", 2);
m.put("appl3", 1);
Output: {apple=1, mango tree=5, Bought new watch=2}
The following code inserts the records in order.
SortedMap<String, Integer> m = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
int s2length = s2.split(" ").length;
int s1length = s1.split(" ").length;
return s2length>s1length?-1:s2length==s1length && s2.equals(s1)?0:1;
m.put("mango tree", 5);
m.put("you have to check this out too", 1);
m.put("apple", 1);
m.put("apple", 5);
m.put("you have to check this out", 1);
m.put("check this out", 1);
m.put("Bought new watch", 2);
m.put("check this out too", 1);