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Python package thinks I have older version of dependency than I do

I'm trying to use the h2o package. I'm running macOS Mojave with Anaconda installed.

I've done a pip install h2o and it was successful. It installed at location /anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages.

I try to import it and get this error message: "H2O requires colorama module of version 0.3.8 or newer. You have version 0.3.7."

But when I do pip show colorama it says I have version 0.4.1, so the error message doesn't make sense. It's installed at the same location as h2o at /anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages

Any thoughts?


  • If you are using Anaconda, I would recommend creating a new conda environment and then conda installing all the packages you need (for H2O you would use conda install -c h2oai h2o= ). This will help prevent package conflicts or having trouble pointing to the correct version.

    you should also run conda list to see whether you have another version of colorma installed. Alternatively, you could do a pip uninstall colorama and see whether H2O still picks up a 0.3.7 version - at the very least it will help reveal whether you have multiple versions.