From what I understand you use a sigmoid function to reduce a number to the range of 0-1.
Using the function found in this library
function sigmoid(z) {
return 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-z));
This works for a numbers 1-36. Any number higher than this will just return 1.
sigmoid(36) -> 0.9999999999999998
sigmoid(37) -> 1
sigmoid(38) -> 1
sigmoid(9000) -> 1
How do you increase the range so this function can handle a number larger than 36.
A sigmoid function is any function which has certain properties which give it the characteristic s-shape. Your question has many answers. For example, any function whose definition looks like
const k = 2;
function sigmoid(z) {
return 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-z/k));
will fit the bill. The larger the k
, the larger the useful domain.