I'm trying to solve this exercise and here's my solution. It basically holds a tree map to map the nodes at the same veritical offset to a key. And uses a priority queue to split ties when there are multiple keys at the same (horizontal level) using the value at the node.
public List<List<Integer>> verticalTraversal(TreeNode root) {
Map<Integer, PriorityQueue<Node>> map = new TreeMap<>();
List<List<Integer>> out = new ArrayList<>();
if(root == null)
return out;
Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<>();
Node r = new Node(root, 0, 0);
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
Node curr = q.remove();
int x = curr.x;
int y = curr.y;
PriorityQueue<Node> pq = map.getOrDefault(y, new PriorityQueue<Node>((a,b) ->(a.x == b.x? a.t.val - b.t.val: a.x - b.x)));
Node left = new Node(curr.t.left, x+1, y-1);
Node right = new Node(curr.t.right, x+1, y + 1);
for (Map.Entry<Integer, PriorityQueue<Node>> entry : map.entrySet()){
PriorityQueue<Node> pq = entry.getValue();
List<Integer> vals = new ArrayList<>();
for (Node pqNode: pq){
out.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(vals));
return out;
class Node {
TreeNode t;
int y;
int x;
Node(TreeNode t, int x, int y) {
this.t = t;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
And to be clear here's where I think the problem is
PriorityQueue<Node> pq = map.getOrDefault(y, new PriorityQueue<Node>((a,b) ->(a.x == b.x? a.t.val - b.t.val: a.x - b.x)));
I get the expected order when a.x
isnt equal to b.x
but it doesnt seem to go by the val
when they're equal.
Here's the failing test case
Actual : [[7,9],[5,6],[0,2,4],[1,3],[8]]
Expected: [[9,7],[5,6],[0,2,4],[1,3],[8]]
What your doing wrong is that you iterate over the elements of the priority queue instead of polling it.
The documentation of PriorityQueue#iterator() clearly states:
Returns an iterator over the elements in this queue. The iterator does not return the elements in any particular order.
Instead of writing
for (Node pqNode: pq){
you should use:
Node pqNode;
while ((pqNode = pq.poll()) != null) {