I am trying to get a user input (StdIn from the Princeton Java course) and save it into a char[][]. The input comes in this format:
When I compile and run my code using javac in cmd, it works and prints the array formatted correcly, however it turns into a mess in Eclipse. This is the code I am using:
int row = 10;
int col = 10;
char[][] input = new char[row][col];
for(int i = 0; i<10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j<10; j++) {
input[i][j] = StdIn.readChar();
for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j<10; j++) {
It is supposed to print the Array in the same format as the input.
EDIT: I found the problem: StdIn.readChar() also reads the line break as a single char and fills the array with it. Is there an elegant way to prevent this?
You should check for Carriage Return (CR) or Line Feed (LF) characters, in Windows hosts line breaks are made with CR+LF, on Linux only with LF.
Using System.getProperties("line.separator")
or System.lineSeparator()
you obtain a string with the character(s) used to start a new line depending on your OS.
But you can simplify this process using java.util.Scanner or java.io.BufferedReader
Example with Scanner:
int row = 10;
int col = 10;
char[][] input = new char[row][col];
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
for(int i=0; i < row; i++){
input[i] = in.nextLine().toCharArray();
Example with BufferedReader (you also need to import java.io.InputStreamReader and the method used could thrown IOException, so I think it's simpler to use Scanner, but, if you want..)
int row = 10;
int col = 10;
char[][] input = new char[row][col];
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
for(int i=0; i < row; i++){
input[i] = reader.readLine().toCharArray();
The two implementations are very similar, you could choose the one you prefer, I think it's not convenient to check if each character is different from CR ("\r") and/or from LF ("\n")