Since codahale-metrics
have been moved under io.
. An implementation in our code was making use of the class:
import com.codahale.metrics.JmxReporter
with the dependency version
Now that, we are planning to upgrade to the latest release for the artifact
this no more has the class we were using, has this been migrated to some other artifact or is there an alternative to using the JmxReporter
PS: Have searched for their release notes and alternatives the over internet but couldn't find a relevant result to this yet.
After some hours of wait and searching through each incremental release notes, I could find it in the release notes of version 4.0.0
that has an item listed as:
Move JMX reporting to the
Hence now the correct way to use the class JmxReporter
would be to using the dependency on different module:
and also that the package in the imports needs to be modified as:
import com.codahale.metrics.jmx.JmxReporter;