I need to shift cells to the right after I have deleted content. This option is not given by excel, I get only 4 choices: - Shift cells left - Shift cells up - Entire row - Entire column
At the end I wish to end-up with something lke this in my VBA code:
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToRight
I changed from
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Thank you in advance for any help on this Brgds Patrick
I finally ended up with this and it works amzingly fine:
Sub ShiftRight()
numcol = ActiveCell.Column
numcol2 = numcol
numcol = (numcol - lngColNumber) + 5
strcolletter = Split(Cells(1, numcol - 1).Address, "$")(1)
strcolletter2 = Split(Cells(1, numcol2).Address, "$")(1)
Selection.Cut Destination:=Columns(strcolletter & ":" & strcolletter2)
End Sub
I needed the use of variables which are defined at top level, because the ranges I need to move to the right will never have the same number of columns.
I hope this will help others in future too. Thx to all for your replies
I prefer this simple aproach:
Dim firstcolumn As Integer
Dim lastcolumn As Integer
Dim firstrow As Integer
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim nrows As Long
Dim ncols As Integer
ncols = Selection.Columns.Count
nrows = Selection.Rows.Count
firstcolumn = Selection.Column
lastcolumn = firstcolumn + ncols - 1
firstrow = Selection.Row
lastrow = firstrow + nrows - 1
Range(Cells(firstrow, firstcolumn), Cells(lastrow, lastcolumn)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
For j = lastcolumn To firstcolumn + 1 Step -1
Range(Cells(firstrow, firstcolumn), Cells(lastrow, firstcolumn)).Cut
Range(Cells(firstrow, j + 1), Cells(lastrow, j + 1)).Insert Shift:=xlToRight
Next j
End Sub