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How to add proper error handling to cats-effect's Resource

I am trying to get some basic file IO (write/read) in a purely functional way using cats-effect. After following this tutorial, here is what I ended up with for reading a file:

private def readFile(): IO[String] = for {
  lines <-  bufferedReader(new File(filePath)).use(readAllLines)
} yield lines.mkString

def bufferedReader(f: File): Resource[IO, BufferedReader] =
  Resource.make {
    IO(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)))
  } { fileReader =>
    IO(fileReader.close()).handleErrorWith(_ => IO.unit)

Now in the handleErrorWith function I could log any error occuring, but how can I add proper error handling to this (e.g. return a Resource[IO, Either[CouldNotReadFileError, BufferedReader]])?


  • Proper error handling can be added via the use of .attempt on the returned IO value:

    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
    val resourceOrError: IO[Either[Throwable, String]] = bufferedReader(new File(""))
      .use(resource => IO(resource.lines().iterator().asScala.mkString))

    If you want to lift that into your own ADT, you can use leftMap:

    import cats.syntax.either._
    final case class CouldNotReadError(e: Throwable)
    val resourceOrError: IO[Either[CouldNotReadError, String]] =
      bufferedReader(new File(""))
        .use(resource => IO(resource.lines().iterator().asScala.mkString))

    Additionally, you might be interested in the ZIO datatype, which has supported cats-effect instances, and has a slightly different shape of the form IO[E, A] where E captures the error effect type.