When drag item moves over the drop area, the area is highlighted and created a placeholder for the same. But if the mouse point is moving away the drop area and release the drop the item. It still drop into the drop zone.
Expected behavior:
Once the mouse pointer is move away from the drop zone and the user release the mouse or cancel the drag. It should go back to the drag start list.
Basically, you want to check, when the item was dropped, whether it was allowed container or not.
We can use CdkDrag's cdkDragDropped
event. cdkDragDropped
emits the object which has a type of interface CdkDragDrop
. CdkDragDrop
has a property called isPointerOverContainer: boolean
, which returns whether the user's pointer was over the container when the item was dropped.
I have created a sample code on stackblitz.
Basically, what I did was:
event of cdkDrag
element : <div class="example-box" *ngFor="let item of todo" cdkDrag (cdkDragDropped)="dragDropped($event)">{{item}}</div>
function, I stored the flag: dragDropped(event: CdkDragDrop<string[]>) {
this.isPointerOverContainer = event.isPointerOverContainer;
function, I checked the same flag : if (this.isPointerOverContainer) {...} else { //dropped outside }
Currently, the item will get back to its original position if dropped outside. But, the animation is not handled, you can explore that part.