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Editor Window screenshot

I want to capture a screenshot from a custom EditorWindow that I'm using as a LevelEditor for a game I'm working on, but i'm not sure on how to do it.

What I want is to capture the EditorWindow, NOT the game view or the scene view.

Can you help me? Thanks!

Edit: I want to take screenshots by code, when pressing a GUILayout.Button :)


  • I made a script for this using InternalEditorUtility.ReadScreenPixel.

    At first I actually had it as you requested on a GUILayout.Button but decided to instead provide a more general solution here which is completely independent from the EditorWindow itself.
    (You could still call EditorScreenshotExtension.Screenshot(); from the GUILayout.Button anyway.)

    I rather added a global MenuItem with ShortCut so you actually can take a screenshot of any currently active (last clicked/focused) EditorWindow!


    using System.IO;
    using UnityEditor;
    using UnityEditorInternal;
    using UnityEngine;
    public static class EditorScreenshotExtension
        [MenuItem("Screenshot/Take Screenshot %#k")]
        private static void Screenshot()
            // Get actvive EditorWindow
            var activeWindow = EditorWindow.focusedWindow;
            // Get screen position and sizes
            var vec2Position = activeWindow.position.position;
            var sizeX = activeWindow.position.width;
            var sizeY = activeWindow.position.height;
            // Take Screenshot at given position sizes
            var colors = InternalEditorUtility.ReadScreenPixel(vec2Position, (int)sizeX, (int)sizeY);
            // write result Color[] data into a temporal Texture2D
            var result = new Texture2D((int)sizeX, (int)sizeY);
            // encode the Texture2D to a PNG
            // you might want to change this to JPG for way less file size but slightly worse quality
            // if you do don't forget to also change the file extension below
            var bytes = result.EncodeToPNG();
            // In order to avoid bloading Texture2D into memory destroy it
            // finally write the file e.g. to the StreamingAssets folder
            var timestamp = System.DateTime.Now;
            var stampString = string.Format("_{0}-{1:00}-{2:00}_{3:00}-{4:00}-{5:00}", timestamp.Year, timestamp.Month, timestamp.Day, timestamp.Hour, timestamp.Minute, timestamp.Second);
            File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "Screenshot" + stampString + ".png"), bytes);
            // Refresh the AssetsDatabase so the file actually appears in Unity
            Debug.Log("New Screenshot taken");

    Since it uses UnityEditor and UnityEditorInternal make sure to place it in a folder called Editor to exlude it from any builds.

    After importing it to your project simply use CTRL + SHIFT + K to create a Screenshot of the currently active EditorWindow.

    Screenshots are placed as PNG file in Assets/StreamingAssets with a timestamp in the name.

    It will also add an entry to the top menu of the UniytEditor.

    The current shortcut was just a random one which is not used so far. you can change it in [MenuItem(Screenshot/Take Screenshot %#k)] following the MenuItem docs

    To create a hotkey you can use the following special characters:

    • % (ctrl on Windows, cmd on macOS)
    • # (shift)
    • & (alt)
    • If no special modifier key combinations are required the key can be given after an underscore.

    For example to create a menu with hotkey shift-alt-g use "MyMenu/Do Something #&g". To create a menu with hotkey g and no key modifiers pressed use _ like "MyMenu/Do Something _g".

    Some special keyboard keys are supported as hotkeys, for example "#LEFT" would map to shift-left. The keys supported like this are: LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, F1 .. F12, HOME, END, PGUP, PGDN.

    A hotkey text must be preceded with a space character ("MyMenu/Do_g" won't be interpreted as hotkey, while "MyMenu/Do _g" will).

    Here in action - the first time I simply press CTRL + SHIFT + K after having focused the Project view last; the second time I focus the Inspector and use the menu item to take the screenshot

    enter image description here