I was given a task to make some modification to an spring-integration
project which was developed a decade ago and I have no clue of how it works so I've looked at some of the spring-integration
tutorials, although I didnt understand it fully I got some basic knowledge of it. Now am trying to understand the below snippet of spring-integration
configuration of spring.integration.version 2.2.4.RELEASE
before making the changes
<!-- Currency Pull from NetSuite -->
<int:gateway id="currencySyncGateway" service-interface="com.integration.service.INetSuiteCurrencyPullService" default-request-channel="currenciesFromNetSuite" />
<bean id="nsCurrencyPullService" class="com.integration.service.impl.NetSuiteCurrencyPullService" />
<int:channel id="currenciesFromNetSuite" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="currenciesFromNetSuite" ref="nsCurrencyPullService" method="getCurrencies" output-channel="pushCurrenciesToDB" />
<bean id="msSqlCurrencyPushService" class="com.integration.service.impl.MSSQLCurrencyPushService" />
<int:channel id="pushCurrenciesToDB" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="pushCurrenciesToDB" ref="msSqlCurrencyPushService" method="saveCurrenciesToDB" />
Below are the correscponding classes to the above beans
public interface INetSuiteCurrencyPullService {
List<Currency> getCurrencies(String in);
public class NetSuiteCurrencyPullService implements INetSuiteCurrencyPullService {
INetSuiteClient restletClient;
public List<Currency> getCurrencies(String in) {
LOGGER.info("Retrieving currencies from NetSuite...");
PullCurrenciesRestletResponse response = restletClient.pullCurrencies();
LOGGER.debug("Restlet response: {}", response);
if ("SUCCESS".equals(response.getError().getCode())) {
LOGGER.info("Received restlet response: executionTimeMillis=" + response.getExecutionTimeMillis() + ", count=" + response.getCurrencies().size());
return response.getCurrencies();
} else {
String msg = "Error retrieving currencies from NetSuite: " + response.getError().getMessage();
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
public class MSSQLCurrencyPushService implements IMSSQLCurrencyPushService {
CurrencyConversionRepository currencyConversionRepository;
public List<Currency> saveCurrenciesToDB(List<Currency> in) {
// logic to save Currency in DB
return in;
So below is my understanding the above spring-integration
configuration once the application starts (please correct if its wrong)
1. Spring initializes a proxy object for INetSuiteCurrencyPullService
2. Then instatiates nsCurrencyPullService
3. Then invokes getCurrencies
method of nsCurrencyPullService
4. And passes the output to saveCurrenciesToDB
method of msSqlCurrencyPushService
Please help me with my below questions
So the above steps are performed only during the spring application startup?
Or is it done on regular intervals once the application is up?
If its performed on regular intervals where can I check the polling frequency of nsCurrencyPullService
So the above steps are performed only during the spring application startup?
The infrastructure (bean) creation is performed once, during the application context initialization. The components are wired together using MessageChannel
s. When the gateway is called, the payload is wrapped in a message and sent to the channel. By default, channels are DirectChannel
s, which means the service is invoked directly on the caller's thread.
The output of the first service is sent via the channel to the second service; again on the caller's thread. The result of that service is returned to the caller as the result of the method call.
polling frequency
There is no polling in this scenario; messages are sent into the Integration flow by the caller of the gateway.
A modern way to do the same would be with the DSL.
public IntegrationFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(INetSuiteCurrencyPullService.class)
.handle("bean1", "method1")
.handle("bean2", "method2")