Search code examples

Excel Userform to search in textbox and filter in a listbox

Hello I am looking for help, I have one textbox and one listbox in an Excel Userform, it works flawlessly except for one small Detail: as soon as the results appear in the listbox they represent the search within all columns. The first column, however is hidden when I type in the textbox, how can I make sure the column remains visible during search? Thanks in advance

Here is the code:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()

With Sheets("Sheet1")

lr = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
ReDim arr(1 To lr - 1)
ReDim sn(1 To lr - 1, 1 To 13)
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
    arr(i) = .Range("A" & i + 2) & " " & .Range("B" & i + 2) & " " & .Range("C" & i + 2) & " " & .Range("D" & i + 2) & " " & .Range("E" & i + 2) & " " & .Range("F" & i + 2)
    If InStr(1, arr(i), TextBox1) > 0 Then
        j = j + 1
        For X = 2 To 8
            sn(j, X - 1) = .Cells(i + 2, X)
    End If
ListBox1.List = sn

End With

End Sub 


  • Consistent Array Approach

    Your original code shows a mixture of array and range loops when creating a filtered listbox list. In order to be more consistent here by looping through arrays only *) , you could refine your code as follows (e.g. using the same match check via Instr):

    Userform Event procedure TextBox1_Change()

    Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
      Const STARTROW = 3
      Dim i&, iCnt&, r&, c&                                                       ' array counters for "rows" and "columns"
      Dim sn, tmp                                                                 ' variant 2-dim 1-based arrays
      With Sheets("Sheet1")
          iCnt = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row - STARTROW + 1            ' items counter
          ReDim sn(1 To iCnt, 1 To 13)                                            ' provide for filtered data array
          For i = 1 To iCnt
             'assign current data row to 2-dim 1-based temporary array
              tmp = .Range("A" & (i + 2) & ":F" & (i + 2))                        ' current data row (c.f. OP)
             'compare search string with concatenated data string from current row
              If InStr(1, concat(tmp), TextBox1.Text) > 0 Then                    ' check occurrence e.g. via Instr
                  r = r + 1                                                       ' new rows counter
                  For c = 1 To UBound(tmp, 2)                                     ' col counter
                      sn(r, c) = tmp(1, c)                                        ' collect found row data
              End If
          ListBox1.List = sn                                                      ' assign array to .List property
      End With
    End Sub

    Helper function concat() called by above event procedure

    Private Function concat(ByVal arr, Optional ByVal delim$ = " ") As String
    ' Purpose: build string from 2-dim array row, delimited by 2nd argument
    ' Note:    concatenation via JOIN needs a "flat" 1-dim array via double transposition
      concat = Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(arr)), delim)
    End Function


    *) Looping through a range by VBA is always time consuming, so do this with arrays instead.

    You might be also interested in the following solution demonstrating the use of the listbox Column property. By playing around this could help you to remove the superfluous blank rows in the listbox.