I successfully introduced xuggle in my tomcat environment and it worked perfectly.
Than something happens , and from that moment on, any time my thumbnail generator is called ( is the class that uses xuggle the most) i got the
*java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library /usr/local/xuggler/lib/libxuggle-xuggler.so.3.4.1012 already loaded in another classloader*
The only way I have to fix it is by restarting tomcat.
Since I can't reproduce the error nor on my laptop, I really appreciate a little help.
This happens probably because you have the Xuggler Jars in a webapp lib directory, and it needs to be at the CATALINA_ROOT directory. See the Xuggler FAQ for details. Stop tomcat, move the Xuggler jar files to the ${CATALINA_HOME}/shared/lib directory and restart tomcat and all should be OK.