How can I change marker icon for tomtom map API with clusters? Following is my code. I am new to this API. And also help me to change cluster icon also
var addressPoints = [
[40.191891, -85.401695, '<b style="color:red;">Townsville</b>'],
[33.830517, -116.545601, '<b style="color:red;">Townsville</b>'],
[34.496212, -93.057220, '<b style="color:red;">Townsville</b>'],
[34.521530, -93.042267, '<b style="color:red;">Townsville</b>'],
[37.541290, -77.434769, '<b style="color:red;">Townsville</b>'],
[32.698437, -114.650398, '<b style="color:red;">Townsville</b>'],
[37.063969, -111.236816, '<b style="color:red;">Townsville</b>'],
[33.580944, -112.237068, '<b style="color:red;">Townsville</b>']
// Creating the map
var map ='map', {
key: 'AVjNSUnrzh6XFxaTHO79YVHFw0H0KfyA',
basePath: 'sdk'
}).setView([40.191891, -85.401695], 5);
var markerOptions = {
icon: tomtom.L.icon({
iconUrl: '',
iconSize: [50, 64],
// Placing markers
var markers = tomtom.L.markerClusterGroup();
addressPoints.forEach(function (point) {
var title = point[2];
marker = tomtom.L.marker(new tomtom.L.LatLng(point[0], point[1]), { title: title });
please help me to change the marker icon.
Try adding it while setting marker as follows -
marker = tomtom.L.marker(new tomtom.L.LatLng(point[0], point[1]), { title: title, icon: markerOptions.icon });
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