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Add same class to multiple Objects

I need to add a single class name to multiple objects using jQuery.

I'm aware of adding a class to multiple selectors like this:

$("#Div4 ,#Div5 ,#Div7 ,#Div8").addClass("something");

I tried the following code but it applies class only to the first object.

$(a[i].source, a[i].canvas, a[i].target).addClass("something");

In the above case, the classname something is applied only to a[i].source



  • Assuming that a[i].source and etc. actually references a Node/Element, you can use .add() to add them individually to a collection, i.e.:


    This can be unnecessarily verbose. You can simply construct an array and rely on implicit iteration in jQuery (credit to @Rory):

    $([a[i].source, a[i].canvas, a[i].target]).addClass('something');

    However, that's not really needed. What about just using native JS? Array.prototype.forEach() and Element.classList are very widely supported as of today:


    [a[i].source, a[i].canvas, a[i].target].forEach(el => el.classList.add('something'));

    ES5 (if you need backwards compatibility with old browsers that doesn't support ES6 syntax):

    [a[i].source, a[i].canvas, a[i].target].forEach(function(el) {