i'm setting up a leaderboard system in my unity game, using the google play games services plugin.
i want to load score in order to integrate them in my custom LeaderbordUI, I followed the documentation and used the ILeaderboard.LoadScores but it's not working.
when i check the logcat i get this :
02-04 11:03:56.580: W/Unity(18969): !!! [Play Games Plugin DLL] 02/04/19 11:03:56 +01:00 WARNING: Error returned from fetch: -108
I have tried to loadScore with the method "Social.LoadScores" and "PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.LoadScores", but i'm getting the same warning.
PS: when i use Social.ShowLeaderboardUI() it shows me the leaderboard. but when i use PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.ShowLeaderboardUI(LB_Stars.id) to show a specific leaderboard it gives me "hmm,something went wrong in play games"
public void LoadLeaderboard()
LB_Stars.LoadScores(ok =>
if (ok)
Debug.Log("Error retrieving STARS leaderboard");
internal void LoadUsersAndDisplay(ILeaderboard lbStar)
Debug.Log("gonna load user and display them");
List<string> userIds = new List<string>();
foreach (IScore score in lbStar.scores)
Social.LoadUsers(userIds.ToArray(), (users) =>
string status = "Leaderboard loading: " + lbStar.title + " count = " +
foreach (IScore score in lbStar.scores)
IUserProfile user = FindUser(users, score.userID);
if (user != null)
UserLeaderboardClone = Instantiate(UserLeaderboardPrefab);
UserLeaderboardClone.name = score.rank.ToString();
LeaderboardUserScript lbUser = UserLeaderboardClone.GetComponent<LeaderboardUserScript>();
lbUser.transform.SetParent(LBScrollview.content.transform, false);
FillUserInfo(lbUser, user, score);
Okay i've figured it out, based on a comment on github https://github.com/playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity/issues/2045#issuecomment-350335234