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Can you set Details for Videos with Powershell?

I have a NAS to which I Rip most of my DVD's. The problem comes with series. When I have to RIP a season, the Details (Title, Comments, etc) must be manually entered.

To combat this, I wrote the following script:

$array = @() 
(Get-ChildItem -Path 'c:\Videos\Dead Like Me\*.mpg' ).FullName |
   $array += $_ 
$i = 0
Do  {
    $Episode = $i + 1
    $NewName = "Dead Like Me S1E$Episode.mpg"
    Set-ItemProperty -Path $array[$i] -Name "Title" -Value $NewName
    Set-ItemProperty -Path $array[$i] -Name "Comments" -Value $NewName
    Rename-Item -Path $array[$i] -NewName $NewName
$i += 1
} While ($i -lt $array.length)

It seems that Set-ItemProperty does not recognize the Title nor Comments, not other properties from the "Details" tab for the file.

I've also tried

Get-ChildItem $array[$i] | Set-ItemProperty -Name "Title" -Value $NewName

Either way, I get an error similar to the following:

Set-ItemProperty : The property string Title=Dead Like Me S1 D1 E3.mpg does not exist or was not found. At c:\Videos\Dead Like Me\tmp.ps1:20 char:30 + ... ChildItem $array[$i] | Set-ItemProperty -Name "Title" -Value $NewName + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : ReadError: (string Title=Dead Like Me S1 D1 E3.mpg:PSNoteProperty) [Set-ItemProperty], I OException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SetPropertyError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetItemPropertyCommand

Shouldn't Set-ItemProperty be able to address those properties?

@trebleCode Update

I ran the following:

get-itemproperty "C:\Videos\Dead Like Me\video.mpg" | Format-List -Property * -Force

It returns:

 PSPath            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Video\Dead Like Me\video.mpg 
 PSParentPath      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Video\Dead Like Me Renamer 
 PSChildName       : video.mpg 
 PSDrive           : C 
 PSProvider        : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem Mode              : -a----
 VersionInfo       : 
                     File: C:\Video\Dead Like Me\video.mpg
                     Debug:            False
                     Patched:          False
                     PreRelease:       False
                     PrivateBuild:     False
                     SpecialBuild:     False

 BaseName          : video 
 Target            : {} 
 LinkType          :
 Name              : video.mpg 
 Length            : 321536 
 DirectoryName     : C:\Video\Dead Like Me 
 Directory         : C:\Video\Dead Like Me 
 IsReadOnly        : False 
 Exists            : True 
 FullName          : C:\Video\Dead Like Me\video.mpg
 Extension         : .mpg 
 CreationTime      : 2019-02-04 10:15:51
 CreationTimeUtc   : 2019-02-04 16:15:51 
 LastAccessTime    : 2019-02-04 13:03:31 
 LastAccessTimeUtc : 2019-02-04 19:03:31 
 LastWriteTime     : 2018-07-09 15:00:47 
 LastWriteTimeUtc  : 2018-07-09 20:00:47 
 Attributes        : Archive


  • There's an open source library called TagLib-Sharp that supports setting metadata on audio and video files. It's pretty easy to use - there's some sample code at this blog - the gist of it is:

    Import-Module "D:\powershell\modules\MPTag\taglib-sharp.dll"
    $BOXTYPE_TVSH = "tvsh"; # TV Show or series
    $mediaFile = [TagLib.File]::Create($file.FullName)
    [TagLib.Mpeg4.AppleTag]$customTag = $mediaFile.GetTag([TagLib.TagTypes]::Apple, 1)
    $customTag.SetText($BOXTYPE_TVSH, $showName)