I want a legend to appear in my sunburst chart (to be able to hide data on click).
Here is an official example of a sunburst chart: https://playground.anychart.com/gallery/Sunburst_Charts/Employee_Count_by_Country
I tried to add:
But I do not see any legend nor any error messages in the console. The website says:
In AnyChart, the legend can be used with Basic Charts, Stock Charts, Maps, and every other chart type.
So i expected the legend to show up, but it doesn't.
1) If you remove the custom coloring (like chart.fill() and palette), you'll see the default anychart palette.
2) Sunburst chart uses tree-data. It is not the series separation by category or value.
It means that is not clear how to provide legend data. Separation by root data? By values? By any additional conditions? That's why legend is not included in sunburst by default. In this case customer is able to use standalone legend to provide any data.