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REST API Query with a parameter

I am trying to query a server that looks like this:

Server Code

@RequestMapping(value = "/query_user", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String queryUser(@RequestParam(value="userId", defaultValue="-1") String userId)
    int id = Integer.parseInt(userId);
    User user = this.service.getUser(id);
    return userJson;

This method works when I test with PostMan

Client Code

private synchronized void callServer(int id)
     final String URI = "http://localhost:8081/query_user";
     RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
     MultiValueMap<String, Object> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
     map.add("userId", id);

            .add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());

     // Modified to use getForEntity but still this is not working.
     ResponseEntity<String> response 
          = restTemplate.getForEntity(URI, String.class, map); 

How can I fix this? It is important that I receive the userJson from the Server side.


After changing to getForEntity() method I keep getting the defaultValue of -1 on the server side. There must be something else wrong with my code. I am definitly sending a userId that is NOT -1.


  • I was able to solve it by using a UriComponentsBuilder.

    UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(URI)
            .queryParam("userId", id);

    Essentially it is appending the parameter to the URI which is what I believe PostMan is doing (that is how I thought about it).
