I'm writing a multithreaded server program in C that works with AF_UNIX sockets. The basic structure of the server is:
reveals possible read on connection socket: main thread calls accept()
and puts the returned file descriptor in the fd_set
(read set).select()
reveal possible read on already connected sockets: main thread removes the ready file descriptors from the fd_set
(read set) and puts them in the thread-safe queue.fd_set
(i worte a function to make this operation thread-safe) and it returns waiting again on the queue for a new request.This routine is repeated in a infinite cycle until a SIGINT is raised. Another function has to be performed on SIGUSR1 without exiting from the cycle.
My doubt is about this because if I raise a SIGINT my program exit with EINTR = Interrupted system call
I know about the pselect()
call and the "self pipe" trick but i can't figure out how to make the things work in a multithreaded situation.
I'm looking for a (POSIX compatible) signal management that that prevent the EINTR
error while main thread is waiting on pselect()
I post some pieces of code for clarification:
Here i set up signal handlers (ignore errorConsolePrint
if(signal(SIGINT, &on_SIGINT) == SIG_ERR)
errorConsolePrint("File: %s; Line: %d; ", "Setting SIGINT handler", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if(signal(SIGTERM, &on_SIGINT) == SIG_ERR)
errorConsolePrint("File: %s; Line: %d; ", "Setting SIGINT handler", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if(signal(SIGUSR1, &on_SIGUSR1) == SIG_ERR)
errorConsolePrint("File: %s; Line: %d; ", "Setting to SIGUSR1 handler", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if(signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR)
errorConsolePrint("File: %s; Line: %d; ", "Setting to ignore SIGPIPE", __FILE__, __LINE__);
Here i set up signal mask for pselect
sigaddset(&mask, SIGINT);
sigaddset(&mask, SIGUSR1);
sigaddset(&mask, SIGPIPE);
Here i call pselect
test = saveSet(masterSet, &backUpSet, &saveMaxFd);
CHECK_MINUS1(test, "Server: creating master set's backup ");
int test = pselect(saveMaxFd+1, &backUpSet, NULL, NULL, &waiting, &mask);
if(test == -1 && errno != EINTR)
...error handling...
Hope in some help! Thank you all in advance.
Ok, finally I got a solution.
The heart of my problem was about the multithreading nature of my server. After long search I found out that in the case we have signals raised from other process (in an asyncronous way), it doens't matter which thread capture signal because the behaviour remains the same: The signal is catched and the previously registered handler is executed. Maybe this could be obvious for others but this was driving me crazy because I did not know how to interpret errors that came out during execution.
After that i found another problem that I solved, is about the obsolete signal()
During execution, the first time i rise SIGUSR1
, the program catch and manage it as expected but the second time it exit with User defined signal 1
I figured out that signal()
call set "one time" handler for a specific signal, after the first time that the signal is handled the behaviour for that signal return the default one.
So here's what I did:
Here the signal handlers:
N.B.: I reset handler for SIGUSR1
inside the handler itself
static void on_SIGINT(int signum)
if(signum == SIGINT || signum == SIGTERM)
serverStop = TRUE;
static void on_SIGUSR1(int signum)
if(signum == SIGUSR1)
pendingSIGUSR1 = TRUE;
if(signal(SIGUSR1, &on_SIGUSR1) == SIG_ERR)
Here I set handlers during server's initialization:
if(signal(SIGINT, &on_SIGINT) == SIG_ERR)
if(signal(SIGTERM, &on_SIGINT) == SIG_ERR)
if(signal(SIGUSR1, &on_SIGUSR1) == SIG_ERR)
if(signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR)
And here the server's listening cycle:
if (pendingSIGUSR1)
... things i have to do on SIGUSR1...
pendingSIGUSR1 = FALSE;
test = saveSet(masterSet, &backUpSet, &saveMaxFd);
CHECK_MINUS1(test, "Server: creating master set's backup ");
int test = select(saveMaxFd+1, &backUpSet, NULL, NULL, &waiting);
if((test == -1 && errno == EINTR) || test == 0)
if (test == -1 && errno != EINTR)
perror("Server: Monitoring sockets: ");
for(int sock=3; sock <= saveMaxFd; sock++)
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &backUpSet))
if(sock == ConnectionSocket)
ClientSocket = accept(ConnectionSocket, NULL, 0);
CHECK_MINUS1(ClientSocket, "Server: Accepting connection");
test = INset(masterSet, ClientSocket);
CHECK_MINUS1(test, "Server: Inserting new connection in master set: ");
test = OUTset(masterSet, sock);
CHECK_MINUS1(test, "Server: Removing file descriptor from select ");
test = insertRequest(chain, sock);
CHECK_MINUS1(test, "Server: Inserting request in chain");