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How to log RestAssured Request and Response information log in ExtentReports logs

I am using rest-assured lib and extent report for reporting,

ValidatableResponse reponseManualLead = given().header("Accept", "application/json")
                .contentType("application/json").header("Authorization", access_token)
                .put(losdevUrl + "/endUrl").then().log().all();

log().all() : Pritn log of request/reponse in console log , I need that to be log in extentreport , can we do that.

ExtentTestManager.getTest().log(LogStatus.INFO, "Response is:<br>" + "here");


  • The recommended usage to include JSON request/response is via MarkupHelper as in the documentation:

    Markup m = MarkupHelper.createCodeBlock(json, CodeLanguage.JSON);
    // shorthand
    test.pass(MarkupHelper.createCodeBlock(json, CodeLanguage.JSON));

    The code block will be prettified and display like so:

    enter image description here