The program throws an unhandled exception on this line:
}else if(s == "backpack"){
cout << "\nEquipped items: " << endl;
cout << weapon->Name << endl << cArmour->Name << endl; //this line
It prints 'Equipped items: ' then throws an exception. This file - Player.h - includes Library.h, which in turn includes Globals.h, which has the structs:
struct sWeapon{
std::string Name;
int Damage;
struct sArmour{
std::string Name;
int AP;
In the Player constructor, it creates the struct objects:
Player::Player(std::map<std::string,sWeapon*> wepArray,std::map<std::string,sArmour*> armArray){
weapons = wepArray;
armour = armArray;
weapon = wepArray["None"];
cArmour = armArray["None"];
At the beginning of the entire program, it calls init_weapons and init_armour:
int main(){
using namespace std;
//initialise the game
std::map<std::string,sWeapon*> wepArray = init_weapons(); //get weapon array
std::map<std::string,sArmour*>armArray = init_armour(); //get armour array
which return the map of all the weapons:
//sets up weapons map
std::map<std::string,sWeapon*> init_weapons(void){
std::map< std::string, sWeapon* > weapons; //map of weapons
//starting 'none'
sWeapon* none = new sWeapon();
none->Name = "None";
none->Damage = 0;
//create weapons
sWeapon* w1 = new sWeapon();
w1->Name = "Rusty dagger";
w1->Damage = 3;
//put in map
weapons[w1->Name] = w1;
return weapons;
std::map<std::string,sArmour*> init_armour(void){
std::map< std::string, sArmour* > armour; //map of armour
//starting 'none'
sArmour* none = new sArmour();
none->Name = "None";
none->AP = 0;
//create armour
sArmour* a1 = new sArmour();
a1->Name = "Leather";
a1->AP = 10;
//put in map
armour[a1->Name] = a1;
return armour;
then passes those maps as arguments to the player constructor shown above.
I'm guessing either weapon
or cArmour
is null or point nowhere.
That's all more likely since you're not storing your "None" weapon and armor in your global hash.
Try printing out the pointer for those two "None" objects, then the pointer values for the object members weapon
or cArmour