I am designing an experiment in qualtrics using java script. For each question in my study, a participant needs to guess the correct answer, type it in, and then hit the space button. Once they hit the space button, a logic checks whether their answer is correct or not. If the answer was correct, a sound should be played for 1.2 seconds, the background color should change into red for a second and then back to white, and lastly the experiment should automatically moves on to the next question.
So far, I figured out the correct sequence of commands. However, it seems like i am not using the setTimeout logic correctly. no matter what combination of timeout values I used, I couldn't get it play all the middles steps, including the audio play and red background flash, before the screen moves to the next question.
Here, I 've shared my code. I would very much appreciate any help.
/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/
/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/
var qid = this.questionId;
var changepage = null;
/*focus on the box*/
jQuery("#"+qid+" .InputText").select().focus();
document.onkeydown = function(event) {
if (event.which == 32) { //hit the space button
//read the input
input = jQuery("#"+qid+" .InputText").val();
if (input.trim().toLowerCase() == "cat") {
document.getElementById("correct").play(); //play the correct sound which is 1.2seconds long
setTimeout(jQuery("body").css("background-color","red"), 3000); // change the background color
setTimeout( jQuery('#NextButton').click(), 2000) //move on to the next question
} //end of if
} // end of if 32
} //end of down button
setTimeout is asynchronous. If you want multiple setTimeouts to execute in a fixed order then the times have to be additive. So your NextButton timing should be 5000ms (3000ms + 2000ms).
Alternatively, you could put the NextButton click inside the background color change setTimeout function. To add to that, could you put both inside an 'ended' event on your audio.