I have a datatable with a column Total
which displays total time in seconds.
(Since this can be over 24 hours i used DateDiff
to calculate the time in seconds, this returns a INT
) as below:
SET tmTotals = DATEDIFF(Second, tmStartTime, tmEndTime)
the datatable looks like this:
StartTime EndTime Total
2018-12-03 00:00:19.257 2018-12-04 00:00:23.288 86404
2018-12-02 10:13:32.586 2018-12-04 10:14:57.298 172885
2018-12-04 12:07:50.636 2018-12-04 18:04:25.526 21395
2018-12-04 03:15:25.061 2018-12-04 13:15:34.665 36009
2018-12-03 20:56:12.947 2018-12-04 03:11:07.992 22495
2018-12-02 00:11:46.020 2018-12-04 00:29:55.051 173889
In my WPF application i want to use two textboxes
to search between two Total
times in the table. I want these textboxes
formatted as hhh:mm:ss
(time can be over 100 hours). How can I get this to an Int
value so it's usable in the StoredProcedure?
With times under 24 hours I used, but this can't be used now:
CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, tmStartTime, tmEndTime), 0), 108)
to calculate the total time and in my WPF app I did:
<TextBox Name="Activeto" Text="{Binding Path=TotalEnd, StringFormat= \\hh\\:mm\\:ss }" Width="60"/>
and code-behind:
TimeSpan timeSpanStart = TimeSpan.Parse(Activefrom.Text);
to convert the string
to a timespan
which could be used to search between to times.
I have found a solution. In the end i simply seperated the time input textboxes
to three seperate textboxes
so: hh
: mm
: ss
. In th code-behind i calculated te input to seconds and added them:
int TotalBegin = (int.Parse(TotalStarthh.Text) * 3600) + (int.Parse(TotalStartmm.Text) * 60) + (int.Parse(TotalStartss.Text));
int TotalEnd = (int.Parse(TotalEndhh.Text) * 3600) + (int.Parse(TotalEndmm.Text) * 60) + (int.Parse(TotalEndss.Text));
Maybe not the best solution, but it works for me!