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How to create enum with BiConsumer<R, T> as constructor parameter

I would like to create enum class, with BiConsumer as constructor parameter. If I did it like this, everything works ok

public enum BiConsumerEnum {

    BI_CONSUMER(((Integer i, String s) -> Collections.nCopies(i, s).forEach(System.out::println)));

    private BiConsumer<Integer, String> biConsumer;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BiConsumerEnum.BI_CONSUMER.accept(3, "X");

    BiConsumerEnum(BiConsumer<Integer, String> biConsumer) {
        this.biConsumer = biConsumer;

    public void accept(Integer i, String s) {
        this.biConsumer.accept(i, s);

But if change code to this:

public enum BiConsumerEnum {

BI_CONSUMER((Integer i, String s) -> printString());

// main(), constructor and accept()

private static BiConsumer<Integer, String> printString() {
    return (Integer i, String s) -> Collections.nCopies(i, s).forEach(System.out::println);

The code doesn't run properly and I've got warning: return value is never used

How should I extract method from constructor, instead of writing whole lambda inside?


  • Though the fix has been suggested by Sotirios Delimanolis in comments already, yet to elaborate that further your current code representation:

    BI_CONSUMER((Integer i, String s) -> printString());

    would compile successfully since you have defined a new BiConsumer such that your code's actual definition is now:

    BI_CONSUMER(new BiConsumer<Integer, String>() {
        public void accept(Integer i, String s) {
            printString(); // has a return value, but is it used?

    and do note in the above that the return type of printString is not being used. What you possible intended there was to rather use the returned BiConsumer<Integer, String> from the existing method printString and invoke it as:
