I have a form that looks similar to this -
<Form (Unique Form ID) (Common Form Class)>
Some Value: <select_list_element> <submit_button> <image_tag_for_progress_indicator>
<Form Close Tag>
Pretty straight forward - repeat 20x for the page. The basic purpose is to let users go down the form list, update values on a one off, and then move on.
To make it a little nicer, I'm doing the submission via AJAX, and wanted to allow for indicating things were updating. However, I can't seem to get it to work right - here's the javascript I'm using:
$('(Common Form Class)')
.bind('ajax:loading', function(){ $(this).find('(image tag class').attr('src', '(spinning gif)'); })
.bind('ajax:success', function(){ $(this).find('(image tag class').attr('src', '(success gif)'); })
.bind('ajax:failure', function (){ $(this).find('(image tag class').attr('src', '(failure gif)'); })
I'm 99% positive that I'm getting the use of "this" wrong - but I can't seem to debug why.
Sadly, (or not sadly?) the bug was not with my code. The rails guys decided to update the UJS events, and now "ajax:loading" is no longer correct - it's now "ajax:beforeSend", and all the tutorials out there are wrong.
Hope someone sees this and is able to correct their own code.
Here's a tutorial that has it correct: