I am creating a personal project on ASP.NET MVC5 using SweetAlert for handling message alerts. The thing is, on an HTML5 button, on the event "onClick" I'm testing a simple alert message, but, the message only shows for a couple of milliseconds, I can't even press the "OK" button, the Console window in the chrome browser is not showing any kind of error message.
I have added the sweetalert.css on my Content folder and the sweetalert.js script on my Scripts folder making references to the BundleConfig.cs like these:
On the _Layout.cshtml I have added the files like this:
.css stylesheet:
.js script:
Finally, in the view, inside a div, I have added a button with the "onClick" event calling "test()"
Once I press the button as I said before, I can barely see the alert but it only shows instantly.
Is this button inside a form?
If so I would imagine this is because the page is refreshing. Buttons inside forms will submit the form unless explicitly stated as type="button"
So what's happening is that the sweet alert is functioning properly, but the form is being submitted straight after causing the page to refresh and naturally, the sweet alert to disappear.
<button type="button" onclick="test()" class="btn btn-danger">....</button>