I'm setting up a scene and need my object to appear on one corner of the augmented image.
I've created a script to find the augmented image and set it as an anchor. domPrefab is instantiated on the anchors' position
if (image.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracking && visualizer == null)
//First: detect the augmented image
Anchor imageAnchor = image.CreateAnchor(image.CenterPose);
visualizer = Instantiate(AugmentedImageVisualizerPrefab, imageAnchor.transform, imageAnchor);
visualizer.Image = image;
m_Visualizers.Add(image.DatabaseIndex, visualizer);
//Second: Instantiate the prefabs
GameObject prefab = domPrefab;
var domObject = Instantiate(prefab, anchor.transform.position, anchor.transform.rotation);
domObject.transform.Rotate(0, k_ModelRotation, 0, Space.Self);
domObject.transform.SetParent(anchor.transform, true);
I expect the domPrefab to be instantiated in the center of the augmented image, and when I will learn how to place it in the corner, then have the domPrefab appear in the corner of the image.
The actual result is: the domPrefab appear in the middle of the image but it's not stable. When camera looks around it moves a bit and its' scale changes.
Because you are creating the anchor in the center of the image with this line
Anchor imageAnchor = image.CreateAnchor(image.CenterPose);
Then instantiate your visualizer at imageAnchor
position and then try to rotate move or something but instead you can do this in your AugmentedImageVisualizer
. To do this
script to it.public GameObject myModel
in AugmentedImageVisualizer
in inspector.Modify your AugmentedImageVisualizer
like this:
public AugmentedImage Image;
public GameObject myModel;
public void Update()
float halfWidth = Image.ExtentX / 2;
float halfHeight = Image.ExtentZ / 2;
// for upper left
myModel.transform.localPosition = (halfWidth * Vector3.left) + (halfHeight * Vector3.back);
//for upper right
myModel.transform.localPosition = (halfWidth * Vector3.right) + (halfHeight * Vector3.back);
//for lower left
myModel.transform.localPosition = (halfWidth * Vector3.left) + (halfHeight * Vector3.forward);
//for lower right
myModel.transform.localPosition = (halfWidth * Vector3.right) + (halfHeight * Vector3.forward);
Use this as AugmentedImageVisualizer
in your AugmentedImageExampleController
If you want it to be stable and not change position over time, do the operation in fifth step in Start
instead of Update
or in another function and make sure it runs only once.
I hope this helps Good Luck!